A wolf in sheep’s clothing; or something like that. The goal for Will’s first experimental fish was to provide a life-long shortboarder with a keel fish design that would tick the boxes as ‘classic’ visually, but lean heavily towards performance surfing. Many performance shortboarders have been tempted by the average keel fish only to find a platform that doesn’t sit low enough in the water, or surf deep or slow enough in the pocket to translate their vertical surfing tendencies. The WillsFish uses a more progressive foil, rocker and rail as well as a heavy concave and quick vee transition to find that sacred middle-ground between classic and progressive. William’s surfing says the rest!
Available sizes, detail & fin suggestions:
5’3” x 20” x 2 1/4” 28.26L
5’6” x 19 1/2” x 2 1/4” 28.08L
A wolf in sheep’s clothing; or something like that. The goal for Will’s first experimental fish was to provide a life-long shortboarder with a keel fish design that would tick the boxes as ‘classic’ visually, but lean heavily towards performance surfing. Many performance shortboarders have been tempted by the average keel fish only to find a platform that doesn’t sit low enough in the water, or surf deep or slow enough in the pocket to translate their vertical surfing tendencies. The WillsFish uses a more progressive foil, rocker and rail as well as a heavy concave and quick vee transition to find that sacred middle-ground between classic and progressive. William’s surfing says the rest!
Available sizes, detail & fin suggestions:
5’3” x 20” x 2 1/4” 28.26L
5’6” x 19 1/2” x 2 1/4” 28.08L